Thursday, May 14, 2009

Episode Thirteen: "L'Attacco Degli Stregoni" (Attack on the Wizards)

The wizards attack and the Winx fight back. Artu is ill. In the end, Roxy finds out who the lady speaking through the energy is, and is able to defeat the Black Circle.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:


  1. By far, the best battle episode ever created in the entire series except for a few minor continuity errors like how Layla end up with Riven and Brandon and then Sky on the train or something like that. It had to do with Layla being in two places at once.

  2. I also gotta say that the animators keep better track of Roxy highlights more than Flora's. Seriously, sometimes they just don't even put highlights on our favourite flower fairy but they do it for animal fairy? That just seems wrong.

  3. I want to see more episodes,and with subtitles too. I'm dieing to see the rest of the series

  4. MAN, they should insert more love in this season ^^

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The one that says "Comment deleted"? Yeah, it had content waaaaaay inappropriate for this blog.

  7. I'll check it out...

  8. They work, it just might take a sec to load.

  9. I wonder when the english version is coming to America???

  10. Subbed season 4 is on Youtube by BanjoGate. And also when Roxy was crying, Bloom says a fairy dedicates her duty(something like that)to others and never to herself. Bloom lectures to much.

  11. phobe you rocks !!!
    u are able to write so well english . u'r cooL!

  12. Haha, English is the only language I know! :D
